Operating from Distant Locales

At the November 19, 2011 meeting Rick Cook, AB4U, a regular guest at the DDXG monthly meetings, gave a presentation on operating from distant locales.  From foreign countries, to boats, to remote areas in Texas, the presentation covered how to prepare for remote operations and pictures of some of the places he has operated from.  Rick was kind enough to allow us to post his presentation.

A PDF version of Rick’s presentation is linked below.

Operating from Distant Locales-DDXG 19 Nov

DDXG Welcomes KC4QYG

Sheila welcomes Andy
DDXG President, K4WNW, welcomes Andy Hodges, KC4QYG to the club.

Andy Hodges, KC4QYG, was welcomed to the club at the October 2011 membership meeting.  Andy was first licensed in 1990 and is getting back into the hobby after several years of being inactive.  In 2010 he became active again and started hanging out with the DDXG.  Andy has been an active member of the club – he taught us all about JT65 and WSPR by giving a presentation to the members earlier this year. Andy has achieved the following awards:

  • Worked All States Basic #55,101
  • Worked All States Digital
  • Worked All States JT65
  • Worked 88 DXCC entities and confirmed 83. Working to achieve DXCC by end of this year.

Presentation on Solar Numbers

Robert, W4BNO, gave a presentation on “Solar Numbers and Amateur radio propagation” at the October 2011 monthly membership meeting.  This presentation discussed Solar Flux Index, Sunspot numbers, K index, A index and how these affect the upper atmosphere.  This also helps in understanding the solar reports from WWV and others.

A copy of the presentation is here:  Solar Numbers and Amateur Radio

Comments and feedback on this presentation are welcomed.

DDXG To Bring Home 2nd Gavel!

According to an article soon to be published in QST, DDXG has again won the 2011 RTTY Roundup! A concerted club effort, the group beat out the Orleans County (LA) Amateur Radio Club with a score of 639851 points, compared to the latter’s 541423. DDXG won in the same category in 2009, only to be beat out by the Orleans club in 2010. Now with a target on their backs, DDXG members have several months to hone their operating skills for what will be a fierce contest in early 2012!

DDXG member stations N4KFT (+op W4DKR) and W4BNO (+ops KC4NYK, KJ4NPR) also showed in the Roanoke Division Multi-op High power and multi-op low power categories, respectively.

Link to the 2011 RTTY RU Results.

The DX Century Club Welcomes W4LEW!

W4LEW with his DXCC award

Club member Lew Best W4LEW poses with his first (mixed) DXCC. Along with this award he also received his DXCC phone endorsement. Licensed for less than two years, Lew quickly obtained is Amateur General and Amateur Extra class licenses in order to take full advantage of the DX found throughout the spectrum. Congratulations to Lew for a notable achievement in an incredibly short period of time!

DDXG Welcomes KJ4NPR!

KJ4NPR with his new membership!

The club welcomes William Orndorff KJ4NPR as a Full Member. A relatively new ham, William is on the cusp of obtaining his Amateur Extra class license. Nephew of Robert W4BNO and quickly logging DX contacts, William now becomes the youngest member of DDXG. Welcome aboard, William! Here, president Sheila Blackley presents William with his membership certificate.


Bruce and Sheila receive their 12M DXCC
Bruce and Sheila receive their 12M DXCC

Husband & Wife 12m DXCC – Bruce WD4LBR and Sheila K4WNW both received their 12 meter DXCC awards. Presenting the certificates is club Vice-President, Josh KD4ZDQ.



2010 ARRL DX Contest

DX SSB Certificate
ARRL DX SSB Certificate

Congratulations are in order for DDXG members Duke W1ZA and Andrew K4PUF. The duo, along with Bob W4DR and Ed NW4V won first place Virginia Section for the 2010 ARRL International DX Contest, in the multi-operator single category. The team, which operated from W1ZA’s QTH, also placed 6th for North America (U.S. and Canada).

Welcome to the Dominion DX Group

We are a small club located in Richmond, VA.  We have a diverse member base that enjoys many aspects of amateur radio.

DDXG monthly meetings are normally held on the fourth Saturday of each month. Our next club meeting will be on Saturday, July 27th. Meetings begin at 9:00 AM. We meet in person at the Deep Run Recreation Center, 9900 Ridgefield Pkwy, Richmond, VA 23233. The meetings are also available via Zoom. As we enter 2024 be sure to check back here often as several meetings in 2024 will be Zoom only due to conflicts at the Deep Run Recreation Center. If you would like to join us in person or via Zoom please contact Jim Mundy, WY4O, via email at wy4o73 at gmail dot com.

If you want to inquire about QSLs, send a message to the club, or ask the club a question, then send us an email.

Tangier 2010

The group
Tangier 2010 Team

August 6, 2010 – DDXG Back From Tangier Island
DDXG has returned from Tangier Island, VA. We operated during the 2010 IOTA contest and racked up our highest score yet. The club was operating in the low power DXPedition category. Our antennas were an 80 meter square loop on the run station and a ZeroFive vertical for our multiplier station. We had an ICOM-7600 at each operating position. N1MM was used for our logging. Several newcomers to contesting came along and did an admirable job. Thanks to everyone that worked us. 2010 IOTA operators for DDXG were: WD4LBR, K4WNW, K4PUF, KJ4NPR, KC4YNK, K4HIN, N4KFT, WS4WW, W4LEW, KD4ZDQ, N4DWK, WV4Y, N4LSP, and W4BNO.

Here’s our claimed score summary.

Band Mode QSOs Pts Sec
3.5 LSB 2 30 2
7 CW 3 45 3
7 LSB 202 1254 39
14 CW 6 78 5
14 USB 788 3960 62
21 USB 2 6 0
Total Both 1003 5373 111

Score: 596,403