3Y0J – Bouvet Island DXpedition

This is the biggie! Bouvet Island is known as “the most remote uninhabited place on earth.” And as far as DX is concerned, this is the Clublog #2 most wanted entity.

The 3Y0J team is days away from arrival and commencement of operations. The best place to follow their progress and gain information on the operation is the 3Y0J facebook page. And you can visit the 3Y0J website at https://3y0j.no.

DDXG is proud to be a supporting club sponsor of the 3Y0J DXpedition.

DDXG Holiday Social

Our DDXG tradition is to skip our regular December meeting and instead celebrate the holidays with a social event. And we LOVE Vinny’s Grill on Lauderdale (owned by our own Giacomo, KK4FTC, and his lovely wife Victoria). Everyone enjoyed the food and the fellowship. Of course we missed those who could not join us.

All of us at DDXG wish all of you the happiest of holidays and a wonderful new year! Hope to see you at our January meeting on Saturday, January 25th. And if you are not yet a member why not start of the new year by joining us. New and prospective members are always welcome.


Perseverance DX Group is organizing a team of experienced DXpedition operators to activate the South Orkney Islands (IOTA AN-008) from approximately Feb. 21, 2020 through March 5, 2020. South Orkney Island is currently #16 most wanted on Clublog. More information is available on the group’s website. The Dominion DX Group is a proud club sponsor of the South Orkney DXpedition.

Frostfest 2018

DDXG will once again be at Frostfest on Saturday, February 3, 2018, at the Richmond Raceway Complex. Frostfest is the mid-Atlantic’s largest winter hamfest. Our location has changed just a bit this year – we are now in the rear of the hall just to the left of the prize drum. Hours are from 8:30AM to 3:30PM. As in years past all of the flea market tables for Frostfest have been sold out. You are guaranteed to find a huge variety of great ham radio stuff to start or add to your shack.

DDXG will again provide the test bench so if you find a great rig or simply need to make sure something that has caught your eye powers up you can bring it by the DDXG tables. The team will help you test out basic power and transmit functionality. We have a 12 volt power supply, a dummy load, and SWR/power meter available.

Frostfest will also host a number of commercial vendors including Elecraft, Ham World, Quicksilver, Signman and more. Plus meetings (including the ARRL Virginia State convention), forums, and VE testing will all take place.

Be sure to stop by the DDXG booth and learn about our club. Members are available to share our excitement about DX, answer questions, and make you aware of upcoming DXpeditions! Ask us about joining DDXG to learn about or share your passion for DX!

Frostfest 2016


Come join us at Frostfest this Saturday, February 6, 2016.  We will be located at the same spot as last year – at the end of the middle row across from the announcer’s stand and prize drum.  The building layout is available here.

DDXG will also be providing the Frostfest test bench.  We will have a 12 volt power supply, volt meter, dummy load, and SWR/power meter available.  You can perform a quick check to see if the equipment powers up and puts out RF.

Please stop by and say hello.  We’ll have information available if you’re interested in joining the club or attending one of our meetings.  We’re also proud to have one of our members, W4DR, hosting a forum session at noon titled “66 Years of DX Adventures“.  The complete list of forums is here.

See you at the show!

Tangier 2014 – IOTA

Members of the Dominion DX Group went over to Tangier Island for the RSGB IOTA Contest again this year.  Instead of using the club call, each member used their own call to make contacts.  WV4Y, WD4LBR, KC4QYG, and W4BNO all operated this year.  We used a Zero Five vertical and an Icom-9100 as our station.

This was a much more relaxed operation than in years past.  We all got to operate, but also spent some time just relaxing on the island and eating seafood!

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