2023 DDXG DX Ladder Results

During the January 2024 meeting Tom, N3GTG, DDXG President and Ladder Chair presented the results of the TWO 2023 DX Ladder competitions. Beginning in 2023 a second ladder competition was added allowing those members with significant DX history to compete with a chance to earn recognition for activity within a calendar year. We are calling the new ladder competition the SUPER LADDER.

Original Ladder

Lauren, W4LEW, was presented with the plaque for her winning performance in the original ladder. While only active in chasing DX for about the last three years, she has consistently brought a strong game to the competitions. Congratulations Lauren!

Super Ladder

And our esteemed member, and recipient of the very first DeSoto Cup, W4DR, Bob, proved that he continues to be a force when it comes to DX activity. Bob was awared the plaque as winner of the new Super Ladder. Congratulations Bob!

Second DX Ladder Competition Added

Beginning April 1, 2023 the DDXG group has added a second DX ladder competition. Why a new ladder? The original ladder, which has been a competition enjoyed by DDXG members for many years, is a cumulative collection of band-countries recorded for a member since the member joined DDXG and began participating in the competition. Several of our members include DXCC Challenge and Honor Roll recipients. And we even have an ARRL DXCC DeSoto Cup recipient. Members who have made hundreds or even thousands of band-country contacts will likely not have a chance to place in the current DDXG ladder competition. While newer hams, or those recently elevating their license privileges or becoming active in the hobby again, may make lots of new band-country contacts – particularly during this new solar activity cycle.

Our new DDXG Super Ladder, will reset all member band-country totals each calendar year. So regardless of the history of activity, each member starts with a clean slate. And if the activity in our first month is any indication, every one will have fun chasing DX for credit in these two DX ladder competitions. Check the current month’s standings as of our latest club meeting by clicking on the “DX Ladder” link at the top of this page. Good luck and Good DX to all!