DDXG Holiday Social

Our DDXG tradition is to skip our regular December meeting and instead celebrate the holidays with a social event. And we LOVE Vinny’s Grill on Lauderdale (owned by our own Giacomo, KK4FTC, and his lovely wife Victoria). Everyone enjoyed the food and the fellowship. Of course we missed those who could not join us.

All of us at DDXG wish all of you the happiest of holidays and a wonderful new year! Hope to see you at our January meeting on Saturday, January 25th. And if you are not yet a member why not start of the new year by joining us. New and prospective members are always welcome.


Perseverance DX Group is organizing a team of experienced DXpedition operators to activate the South Orkney Islands (IOTA AN-008) from approximately Feb. 21, 2020 through March 5, 2020. South Orkney Island is currently #16 most wanted on Clublog. More information is available on the group’s website. The Dominion DX Group is a proud club sponsor of the South Orkney DXpedition.